Blog 3:Bill Verplank's Talk


Viewing: Opening Keynote IXDA 2011, VERPLANK, B. Video and Make a summary of the key points you have identified

According to the video, Bill Verplank believes that creativity is the core element of interaction design. The scope ranges from abstract to concrete, from human to artificial. Rich Gold describes creativity from four aspects: art, science, design, and engineering. Traditional design education begins with a craft. Design schools and universities around the world have developed training courses, seminars, and methods of making excellent craftsmanship. In the past few decades, with the rapid changes in technology, design as a process is no longer sufficient to face complex problems. A new design form was developed.

Interaction designers pay attention to users’ feelings, behaviors, and goals. Today’s design objects are no longer just physical things. Interaction designers need to produce emotionally satisfying products to meet people’s expectations. With more and more technical tools to create wonderful experiences.

Designers need to observe users’ emotional reactions when they interact with products or devices and discover people’s internal state. Sometimes we may find overlooked features that can help us discover an easier approach to the problem. 

Don’t underestimate any projects, all the processes need to be done, feel and understand.

By balancing various problems and different users, an important part in the beginning is to plan the route of use. Everyone will have different ways to use it, but considering all the situations and fluency is one of the most important parts of the design.

The end product is intended to improve the experience when people interact with it.

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