Blog 7:After Pechakucha… …


Pechakucha is a very unfamiliar vocabulary to me. I have not been exposed to this type of activity before. I have no experience in production and speech, so this Pechakucha is a new and interesting experience for me.


A presentation on project 04 was made by Pechakucha. For project 04, the theme I chose was equality. Originally I combined gender equality and education equality and did some research for the topic I chose. After my report, the teachers also gave me some  Feedback: My user group is not sure, and the topic selection is not conducive to future project progress.  So I decided to focus on education equality.


I plan to make a donation website about donating to poor children in Daliangshan in China to help them improve their lives and continue their studies. I want to Use videos and pictures to show the living conditions of children in Daliangshan and their vision of going to school; In this  way, it arouses the compassion of people who browse the site and asks them to donate. This is a very meaningful project. On the one hand, it can help the children there to continue their studies, and on the other hand, it can make people who see this website cherish them more  Everything you have.


The Pechakucha this time has helped me a lot. Although I have no experience at all, this experience has exercised my expressive skills, and it has also greatly helped me to better complete project 4, and I can also fully understand my classmates.  Our rich and varied ideas.  I hope to participate more in such activities in the future.