Blog 6:Empathy In UX Design


Watch a short course Empathy in UX Design by Cory Lebson. LinkedIn Learning.

Using either Sketchnoting or Mindmapping, make hand drawn visual notes as you watch and identify the key takeaway messages and actions. Keep your notes to a single A4 page.


For this week’s blog task, I watched ‘Empathy in UX Design by Cory Larson.This video told me how to build empathy in interaction design.I made a sketchnote whilst watching the video.

This video uses four parts to explain the importance of empathy in UX design.

  • Empathy and UX
  • Building Personal Empathy
  • Empathy in UX Research
  • Designing and Delivering Empathy

The author described how to use empathy for design research, and also gave examples of personas and user journey maps to tell us how to simulate the psychology of users. Empathy is also an indispensable part of work. In design research, we should understand the pain point of the customer and make full use of empathy.

Reference List:

Empathy in UX Design by Cory Lebson. LinkedIn Learning

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