The Book

Can Not Sleep

Author: Tango


This book is a collection of many small comics. The author draws an illustration every night when he can’t sleep. This book is full of pleasant whimsy and can help you rediscover the joy hidden in every corner of life.



The book is full of beautiful ideas, and every inconspicuous thing in life becomes vivid and exciting in the author’s pen.

The food in the supermarket after the closed-door is working out on the conveyor belt; the working principle of the water dispenser that we can’t think of; A radiator that is unwilling to be ordinary, and so on.

Whenever I open this book, I can feel that life is full of fun.


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Missing umbrella
A sinister cat
Make a revolution

However, what makes me feel the deepest is the author’s wide-open perspective and visionary mentality. The book is full of excitement after the corner. From another angle, it is a world. Many creative ideas exchange views between people and objects, giving animals even objects happy, angry, sorrowful, and thinking. Behind this kind of creativity, what I see is the author’s concern and enthusiasm for life.


As you grow up, things you already know blend into the background and become stereotyped cognitions. For the same thing, we usually see only one side, rejecting other possibilities.

As designers, we should be like authors, paying attention to the little things in life, seeing more possibilities, and making our thinking more active.